Hrstring Ltd has a track record of recruiting and providing qualitative care services. The company supplies care staff to various care homes, nursing homes and other care facilities in various locations in the UK. We recruit talented temporary workers across various areas of specialization in healthcare services and place them with our clients in Care and Nursing homes, Social care homes, NHS centers, domiciliary care agencies and other healthcare service providers throughout the United Kingdom.

We offer equal employment opportunities for all medical professionals who apply to work with us.  Our team of consultants have the prerequisite experience to help you find the ideal permanent or temporary member of staff. We provide top notch employee management services to all our employees and customers through implementation of various human resource processes such as on-boarding, performance management, competence assessment, training and development and consultancy. 


Who We Are

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Hrstring Ltd has a track record of recruiting and providing qualitative care services. The company supplies care staff to various care homes, nursing homes and other care facilities in various locations in the UK. We recruit talented temporary workers across various areas of specialization in healthcare services and place them with our clients in Care and Nursing homes, Social care homes, NHS centers, domiciliary care agencies and other healthcare service providers throughout the United Kingdom.

We offer equal employment opportunities for all medical professionals who apply to work with us. As part pf our expansion policy, we have successfully delved into the hospitality and catering industry, supplying kitchen hands and domestic assistants to reputable homes and hotels. Our team of consultants have the prerequisite experience to help you find the ideal permanent or temporary member of staff. We recruit at all levels, from waiters and kitchen porters to chefs and front of house managers.

We provide top notch employee management services to all our employees and customers through implementation of various human resource processes such as on-boarding, performance management, competence assessment, training and development and consultancy

Above all, our mission is to match the right people with the right jobs at the most competitive rate. Hrstring is ready to work for you wherever or whenever.


Head Office

Margaret Powell House 401 Midsummer Boulevard Milton Keynes MK9 3BN United Kingdom.

Email: info@hrstring.com
Phone: +447361601488